Monday, February 22, 2010


Being a sysadmin has many controversies, take new technologies for instance:
Recently I've installed a Weblogic server to start examining it, as our Oracle AS servers will need to be replaced sometime in the next couple of years since this line of products is going bye-bye. Anyways, it was pretty exciting, new (for me) Fusion 11g UI and the main administration screen is SO busy. So it sounds like I'm all for new technologies... not really, not always.

Yes, you should upgrade existing technologies. Yes, you should check what new technologies are out there. No, you shouldn't use a new technology where an existing one could be used.

I think the best example for my point is building solutions for specific needs.
Let's take my organization's Oracle ERP system for example. Many times a specific need arises and people suggest all kind of cool solutions. In my opinion it's very important to try and base such a solution on an existing technology, I'd rather have a solution that is not perfect than a perfect(like such things exist) solution that will handle this specific case alone and that no one will know about if something goes wrong a few years from now.

So, sometimes, I end up being this guy with a fixation on old and boring technologies...

And if talking about sysadmins, here is a good one :).