Thursday, January 10, 2008

Time To Let Go

In job interviews you sometimes get asked about your bad qualities, among other things I usually mention me being a "too hard trier". It might seem like me trying to be a smart ass and slip a good quality as a bad one, but I really do think I sometimes try too hard.

I bet everyone knows this thing when you sit for hours trying to solve a problem just to get frustrated, go home and wake up with the now trivial solution the next morning. And that's exactly what I'm talking about, of course it's great to come up with a solution just when you're about to give up, but isn't it even better to skip the frustration part?
I don't really know the exact neurological explanation but a good night's sleep or even setting your mind to something else definitely triggers some processes in this head of ours that help us see the problem in a different light, and that's always a good thing. It's like when you try to remember the name of a song/movie/book and can't pinpoint it no matter how hard you try, but it will always pop into your mind later without the slightest effort.
This approach actually goes along well with what I've written in a previous post about counting on luck but somehow when it comes to letting go and letting nature do it's magic I seem to stay stubborn.

I'll try to continue my self-education and my advice to everyone who has a similar issue is to do the same, sometimes it just doesn't worth the trouble (but sometimes it does...).


Unknown said...

Indeed, sleeping helps.
I also recommend taking a shower and swimming! some of my best ideas came to me in the pool.

Unknown said...

NOw that you mention it, jogging works for me too