Saturday, May 24, 2008

Widening My Horizons

Well, I've decided to take a break from my series of upgrade related posts and write about something more fun.

This week I got a new 22'' (wide) monitor as a replacement for my old 17'' monitor. No doubt this is a great improvement, so many things look different now:
Most emails fit the screen without scrolling, I can accommodate more tabs in my Total Commander, I can comfortably rearrange my OneNote pages - it actually feels like each page is twice as wide, I can open two Terminal Services side by side and work with them in parallel, it's easier to read documents - less scrolling, and those are just the things I could think of on the spot after one week's work. I'm sure I'll discover many more advantages. Oh, the joy of having a new toy!

Of course, there's a downside as well(not that I really care, but...), I'm going to get spoiled.
I think it's relevant to many aspects in life, when you get a taste of a better something, you can't really go back to what you previously did just fine with - and yes, I was pretty satisfied with my 17'', although getting an occasional "man, how can you work with it?!" from guys with bigger monitors. And now I'm going to become such a guy.
It reminds of when I was a kid and played Warcraft (the 1st one of course). I played it on my computer and was just fine with it, but then I was at a friend's house and he had a faster PC, after playing a few levels on his PC mine seemed so sloooow, it was impossible to play.

My conclusion is that such improvements are good only if you know you won't have to revert back to the previous situation, otherwise it's going to take a long time getting used to and might even be frustrating.
I guess I'm going to demand a 22'' monitor to be included in every contract I sign from now on...

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