Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Technology

Usually my tasks as a sysadmin are pretty standard: upgrade the database, fix the bug, deal with the backup issues and so on. While I might have not upgraded any production database yet, I still pretty much know what I'm dealing with.
But every once in a while I'm required to deal with something (almost) totally new. For the last couple of weeks my team leader and me have been working on implementing EUS - or more simply: database user authentication via OID using Kerberos. While we both pretty much know our OID, we haven't implemented this specific solution before (at least not one that worked :-)).
I really like those new challenges, I learn something new each day, but this kind of stuff makes you feel like you can add a new bullet in your CV. Like my team leader mentioned, it makes you want to work only on this new and shiny "toy" until you finally get it up and running and forget about the more mundane tasks. Unfortunately, those mundane tasks are often more pressing and so we end up working between other tasks and making little (if in a steady pace) progress each time. Well, life's tough. At least we ARE making progress...

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